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2024-10-06 0 Comments

A quick introduction to this algorithm KNN is used to determine the class of our sample data. To understand this more clearly, please take a look at the plot below. We have two

2024-07-12 0 Comments

In this article, I would like to raise the subject of web scraping.Before we start, we have to consider web scraping on several layers: legal and ethical. Let's tackle the topic of the legality

2024-06-27 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered how to test your API endpoints? There are many options to do so. You can use:SwaggerPostmanInsomnia(other less known software)or our star for today...Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code (VSC) is

2024-06-13 0 Comments

Here we are! The first post about frontend technology has been written. Until now, only backend and DevOps topics have been covered.Today I want to show you one of the top libraries that

2024-06-05 0 Comments

I recently wrote an article which is the first part about SQL Injection SQL Injection in C# Application: An Example.Today, we will continue this topic answering the question asked in the previous post

2024-05-22 0 Comments

Today, I would like to talk about LINQ. LINQ queries are ubiquitous in the C# world, whether you're working with WebAPI, MVC, or Windows Forms applications.But honestly, we are using only a small

2024-05-10 0 Comments

In this post How to generate website using Chat GPT I checked how ChatGPT is doing with generating the layout.Today, we will see how it copes with the refactoring. Variables chain var x =

2024-05-03 0 Comments

Many of us use Visual Studio Code for frontend purposes, but how about using it to develop an .NET Applications?I always use Visual Studio or Rider to develop .NET apps, but today, I'll

2024-04-17 1 Comment

Today, I'll show you some code vulnerable to SQL Injection. We will talk about good and bad practices. At the end I'll tell you which option is in my opinion the best one

2024-03-23 0 Comments

In the past, when I used a different hosting provider than I do now, I often encountered situations where the website was unavailable. How can we check if a website is accessible without

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